Cameron Glover giving a speech, a large photo of a surgeon is projected behind him.

Mobilise Rotarians to make a difference

Below are useful tools and materials you can use to champion Interplast in your club or district.

If you need any additional resources or support, please contact Janette Etherington (Coordinator – Rotarian Engagement) via +61 3 9249 1231 or

Club presentations

If you have been invited to speak about Interplast at a Club meeting, or to staff an Interplast stand at an event, here are some things to help.


Interplast Presentation for Rotary March24 [PowerPoint 28.6MB]



Share Interplast’s story at your club meetings or event.

Interplast and Rotary: Changing lives together for 40 years


Material you can print to use at meetings or events.


These are stories from people who have benefitted from the work of Rotarians through Interplast.

Get in contact

If you need any additional resources or support, please contact Janette Etherington (Coordinator – Rotarian Engagement) via +61 3 9249 1231 or