Our Behind the Mask series seeks to share the dedicated experiences of our volunteers and partners in over 25 countries across the Asia Pacific region. Dr David Morgan, Specialist Plastic Surgeon and Interplast volunteer, shares his experience working with our local partners in Tonga.

Despite some initial trepidation ahead of his first Interplast trip to Tonga in 2011, plastic and reconstructive surgeon David Morgan continued returning to the Pacific nation every year after, deeming it “among the most rewarding experiences” in his life.

It is the ongoing care or “longitudinal medicine” as he refers to it, that according to David, makes the real difference in providing care, teaching, and training opportunities in developing countries.

“You need to keep going back and continue helping these communities,” he explains. “Going once and doing one operation will make a difference but going more than once and seeing these people over time… is really the way to continue to offer the care that they need.”

Hear Dr Morgan’s full interview below.

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