Mr Damien Grinsell is a plastic surgeon, valued volunteer and long-time supporter of Interplast. Since his first visit to Nepal with Interplast in 2008, Damien has laid solid foundations in advancing microsurgery among Interplast partner hospitals.
Damien’s expertise in microsurgery is highly valued and plays a critical role in teaching the local surgeons how best to tackle complex cases. Together with anaesthetic, nursing and allied health training, the Interplast volunteer medical teams work together with local partners to build their capacity in this speciality and continuously improve patient outcomes.
“We’ve been doing this for 10 years and I’m proud to say we are up to our second generation of microsurgeons,” he said.
“The program is growing organically and it’s pleasing to see it coming to fruition.”
Burns are unfortunately a common injury in Nepal, particularly from open fires used for cooking and heating, as well as electrical burns. Damien’s surgical team also treat many cancer cases.
“Microsurgery is important for the head and neck cancers and burns patients that we see with untreatable options otherwise,” Damien said.
Damien was appointed Interplast Country Coordinator for Nepal in 2012 and his commitment to supporting the development of plastic surgery in Nepal has drawn him back eight times to date.
In between visits, Damien is in ongoing communication with his Nepalese peers, extending his mentoring online on a case-by-case basis as they arise. In appreciation, local surgeons often send Damien emails about the cases they have worked on, proudly showcasing the skills he has taught them.
In addition to his volunteer surgical work, Damien is an active fundraiser for Interplast, taking on Eureka Climb over several years. This year, Damien’s private clinic, Horizon Plastic Surgery, has gathered a team for Stadium Stomp in July. He has organised a ‘Back to the 80s’ ball next month to fundraise for the New York Marathon which he will be running in November.
“For everyone who has donated their hard-earned money supporting Interplast and the programs we run, we want to thank you from our deepest hearts, not just from the surgical perspective, but also on behalf of the local surgeons that we are teaching and the patients who benefit from our expertise,” Damien said.
Congratulations to Damien for 10 years of volunteering with Interplast and making a significant impact in the health and wellbeing of the Nepalese community.
To donate to Damien’s New York Marathon run click here.