Those who have been following our work in Tonga will remember Pasilio, who we first met last year and provided the first of many surgeries needed to address burns contractures on his neck.
Pasilio is the youngest in his family. When his shirt caught fire as a 4-year-old child, he suffered significant burns to his neck, leaving him with significant contractures that impacted his ability to move his head and chew his food.
Without specialist surgeons available in Tonga at the time, Pasilio and his family spent three years hoping for the help that only an international team could provide. Meanwhile, Pasilio did his best to keep moving, which kept his body strong and helped him retain as much mobility as possible.

Pasilio when we first met him, before his surgery in 2023.
After the Interplast team operated in 2023, Pasilio continued his hard work with the local physiotherapy staff.
“He has been seeing our physio team to help with mobilisation of his neck and arm, and the physios are happy with his progress. Pasilio’s range of movement of his head is 80% better than what it was before surgery,” reported Dr Alamea Fulivai, a Tongan General Surgeon who assisted in his surgery in 2023.
Since then, Pasilio has been able to chew his food without any assistance and seen significant improvement in his overall independence in life.

Pasilio when the Interplast team met him again this year.
The Interplast team reunited with Pasilio on our most recent trip back to Tonga. Alongside local staff at Vaiola Hospital, they were able to review his progress and provide a second round of surgery.
We’re pleased to say the operation was a success, and Pasilio has taken another leap forward in his healing. His function and confidence have significantly improved, and he is excited to start attending school.

Pasilio and his mother after his second surgery this year.
“Pasilio is independent now,” Pasilio’s mother said, and expressed her gratitude to the team.
With continued support from our incredible donors, Interplast will return to Tonga to support more patients like Pasilio and continue mentoring local staff, until specialist services are available locally.
Thank you to the management and staff at Vaiola Hospital for their hospitality and hard work on this trip. We especially want to highlight the work of General Surgeon, Dr Alamea Fulivai and Head of Surgery, Dr Bill Tangi for their input and coordination of patients and facilities.
We also want to thank our incredible volunteer team.
- Dr David Morgan, Specialist Plastic Surgeon
- Dr Graham Sellars, Specialist Plastic Surgeon
- Dr Paul Goggin, Anaesthetist
- Dr Sarah Goetz, Anaesthetist
- Lauren Harrower, Registered Nurse
- Joanne Oxbrow, Registered Nurse
- Penelope McMahon, Occupational Therapist
- Olivia Hammond, Student Observer.