Our Program Volunteers
In the 2017-18 financial year, 168 of our incredible volunteers filled 193 individual volunteer roles to deliver 86 program activities across 17 countries in the Asia Pacific region, with 27 volunteering with Interplast for the first time. These volunteers included plastic and reconstructive and orthopaedic surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and nurse educators and allied health professionals including hand therapists, physiotherapists and speech therapists.
Some of our volunteers take on the additional role of Country Coordinator, a vital role that works closely with local partners and advises Interplast on planning, monitoring and evaluating programs. This year, our Country Coordinators are:
Bangladesh: Russell Corlett
Bhutan: Tim Proudman
Fiji: Simon Thomson
Indonesia: Currently unoccupied
Kiribati: Currently unoccupied
Laos: James Savundra OAM
Mongolia: David Pescod AO
Myanmar: Michael Leung
Nepal: Damien Grinsell
Papua New Guinea: Peter Maloney and Siddharth Karanth
Philippines: Kevin Ho
Samoa: Benjamin Norris
Solomon Islands: Zac Moaveni
Sri Lanka: Yugesh Caplash
Tonga: David Morgan
Vanuatu: Currently unoccupied
Vietnam: James Masson
Below is a list of people who volunteered on our overseas programs in the last financial year.