What's going on at Interplast

19th Feb 2015

Spend $20 to secure $30,000 for Interplast

Last November our volunteer team met four year old Filomena on a program activity to Suva, Fiji. Filomena was born with a cleft lip and palate on both sides, as well as a palatal fistula, which means there were gaps in the roof of her mouth and top lip.  Our surgeons operated on Filomena in 2013 and successfully closed the gap in her mouth.

But that’s not the end of the story.

29th Jan 2015

Supporting Recovery

The life-changing surgeries we perform are only part of the story.

After surgery, a patient needs help to regain strength and function. A speech therapist can play a key role in supporting a patient after a cleft lip and / or palate surgery. A physiotherapist or occupational therapist can play a valuable role in restoring function to a burns patient.

14th Jan 2015

A Busy and Exciting Year Ahead

2015 is shaping up to be a busy and exciting year for Interplast. With increasing demand for our services, we’re looking forward to expanding our impact even further with plans to undertake 70 programs.

6th Nov 2014

A Valuable Month of Medical Training

Drs Lupi Lestari and Lia Fatmarita, two anaesthetic registrars from Indonesia are currently taking part in an annual month-long professional development program in Ballarat, facilitated by Interplast. Lupi and Lia are enjoying the experience immensely, and have journalled their highlights so far…..

1st Sep 2014

The Rewards of Our Work

Proof of the difference that we make in people’s lives is one of the greatest rewards of our work.

19th Aug 2014

A Second Chance

In addition to working extensively across the Asia Pacific providing surgery to those who would not otherwise be able to access it, and training and mentoring to local medical staff, Interplast works in partnership with Australian agencies to achieve life-changing outcomes for individuals.

24th Jun 2014

Interplast ambassador, Turia Pitt’s amazing adventure in China

Interplast Ambassador, Turia Pitt, and her Great Wall of China team have arrived back from their fundraising adventure. The team raised over $170,000 for Interplast. An amazing effort that will rebuild countless lives across the Asia Pacific region.

16th Jun 2014

Imagine your access to essential surgery was left to chance

It seems unbelievable, but for many people living in developing countries this is the reality. The World Health Organisation reports that over 2 billion people across the globe have no access to basic surgical care.

As the end of the financial year approaches we need your support. Your donations make it possible for Interplast to increase people’s access to high quality surgical, medical and allied health services.

2nd Jun 2014

Interplast featured on 60 Minutes Australia



60 Minutes Australia aired a story on Interplast ambassador Turia Pitt on Sunday 1 June. The story featured Turia and Michael’s trip to Vientiane, Laos, to visit a running Interplast program.