Dr Batsuuri Munkhbat (also known as Jake) is a resident doctor at First Central Hospital in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, undergoing his Emergency Medical Training. Jake has experience in the emergency medicine, intensive care and anaesthetics.
Jake’s medical experience, his strong enthusiasm to learn English and his enthusiasm to help others, led to his recommendation by Mongolian Professor of Anaesthetics, Ganbold Lundeg to join the Interplast team as an interpreter during surgical and training visits to the remote town of Murun.
Jake has used his growing English skills to interpret for Interplast for two years now, and in this time, he has been able to greatly improve his conversational English and medical terminology.
“I believe that Interplast programs greatly benefit the people of Mongolia by helping with burns patients and improving their quality of life,” he said.
“Interplast also mentors and teaches local medical staff, helping them to carry out much-needed plastic and reconstructive surgery in Mongolia.
“I’m really proud to help play a part in this.”
Jake’s role demonstrates how engagement with local partners extends outside the operating theatre, and that there are many people who play an integral role in delivering a successful program.
Interplast volunteer anaesthetist, Dr David Pescod (pictured far right) said Jake’s contributions, compassion and enthusiasm are invaluable.
“Beyond translating (the guttural eastern language of Mongolia), Jake’s involvement guaranteed that our team engaged with each patient and their carers, providing informed and welcomed care,” he said.
This program was supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), and the Bright Blue Charity for Sick Children.