Dr Philip Ragg
Vice President & Chair Clinical Governance Committee
A Specialist Anaesthetist for more than 25 years, Philip is the Deputy Director of Anaesthesia and Pain Management at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne.
He is an Associate Professor with the University of Melbourne and a Research Associate with the Murdoch Children’ Research Institute. Apart from many years’ experience as a clinical anaesthetist working mainly with children, he is also a member of the Victorian Consultative Council On Anaesthesia Morbidity and Mortality, an Examiner with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and an instructor for Advanced Paediatric life Support (APLS) Australia.
Philip’s main areas of interest are plastic surgery, where he operates in both public and private practice, cardiac surgery, regional anaesthesia and risk management. He has been involved with Interplast for more than 20 years with trips to Papua New Guinea, Rabaul and Sri Lanka.
He brings an understanding of clinical practice, knowledge of how surgeons work and interact with their teams, and an interest in teaching, mentoring and safety to the Interplast board.