Yanjinlkham is pressed up close to her mother in the hospital waiting room. She is a lively little girl with long dark hair, a twinkle in her eye and a scar covering the right side of her face.
Yanjinlkham’s mother feels responsible for what happened to her daughter, and is very emotional when telling the story. While she was tending to the family’s reindeer herd, Yanjinlkham was left on her own in the family “ger” (a traditional Mongolian home). A typically curious five-year-old she played with a box of matches that had been put aside for lighting their old cookstove, triggering a fire. Yanjinlkham received extensive burns to her face, back and hands.
Her distraught mother took her for treatment at the local hospital where they did the best that they could. However, best-practice burns management is complex and requires specialised treatment.
Please help change the future for a child like Yanjinlkham. Make a donation this festive season.