The 2016 Eureka Climb on Sunday, November 13, was a great success, with 2407 climbers raising almost $220,000 for the life-changing work of Interplast and Whitelion.
One of the highlights for the day was 68-year-old Barb Wall finally reaching her goal of conquering the tower with her Step Sisters teammate, Deb Shiell, after months of training. But they didn’t just conquer the tower, they also topped the team fundraising table, with a huge total of more than $9000.
Find out more about Barb’s experience in the interview below.
Thank you to everyone who climbed or contributed on the day, including the many volunteers who helped make the run run smoothly. We’d like to make particular note of those who donated prizes, including Microcloud for donating their high-quality pillows to 88 Club winners, and I Am free for donating the bicycle that was awarded to the highest individual fundraiser.
Go to our photo gallery on Facebook to see images from the day.